Who is Domitrius Clark

Hey everyone 👋! Welcome to the workshop.

I’ve been so excited to learn more about how to elevate communities and the people who run them. While running Jamstack.org, I’ve had a chance to play around with Netlify features and build a bridge between our new community and this valuable resource. One of those ways was by uplifting the events we promote inside of the Discord to an external page for folks to see outside of the Discord.

We’ll be going through all of these steps together as I’ve outlined. I like to use Notion documents o to help keep things smooth if you miss something or find yourself itching to know what’s up next.

Workshop Goal

When leaving this workshop, you should have an 11ty site deployed to Netlify and connected to your Discord server through a bot. We’ll have an /events/ page that will pull the scheduled events and render them through Netlify’s On-Demand Builders.

<aside> 💡 What are we going to learn?


<aside> 💡 Resources



https://benmyers.dev/blog/eleventy-data-cascade/ https://helloyes.dev/blog/2021/using-parameters-in-your-eleventy-includes-with-nunjucks-macros/




<aside> 👋 Before getting into the steps, make sure you have:


Account/Bot Creation & CLI installs

Initial Project Scaffold & Dependency install

Configure 11ty’s config and setup defaults for netlify.toml

Creating our base layout + setting up Tailwind

Initialize our repo and deploy to Netlify

Creating a Navbar component in Nunjucks

Use global data files in 11ty to fetch scheduled events from Discord

Create a Nunjuck Macro (component) for our new Event Card

Using Netlify’s On-Demand Builders & 11ty Serverless to keep our events fresh