The final product of this workshop will be a page listing scheduled events from our server. To make that happen we’ll need to create a bot, invite it to our server, and grab the necessary keys

To create a bot:

  1. Head over to the Developer Portal and create an application
  2. Fill in any important details
  3. Click Bot in the side navigation and copy the client id
  4. Turn off Public Bot and copy the bot token. Set DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN to this value in your .env
  5. Add the bot to your server [<>](<>)

<aside> 👋 You can find the client-id needed for above by clicking the 0Auth2 link in the side navigation


Now that our bot is alive, all we need is our Discord server’s GUILD_ID. You can find this by hovering over your server in the Discord UI (or on the web app) and right clicking. Select the option to Copy ID and set DISCORD_GUILD_ID to the id inside of your .env file.

Later in our project we’re going to be utilizing the Netlify & Github CLI’s to deploy our code. To follow along, you’ll want to setup the Github CLI & setup the Netlify CLI

If you’d like to create your repo and link your netlify site through the UI’s you are also welcome to do so 👍

Initial Project Scaffold & Dependency install